
Tesla unveils major charging update impacting all electric vehicle owners across the UK – GB News

Electric vehicle owners across the UK could soon be able to benefit from Tesla Supercharger access as a new scheme continues to be rolled out.

A pilot scheme launched two years ago which gave charging access to non-Tesla drivers at 15 of its Supercharger network sites.

This has now been expanded to a further 27 sites, allowing drivers of compatible electric vehicles to use the rapid chargers.

In total, drivers of electric cars can benefit from 477 individual Superchargers as far south as Cambourne and as north as Inverness in Scotland.

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Tesla Supercharger

Non-Tesla owners are able to charge at some Superchargers around the UK


According to the Zapmap database, there are almost 1,500 Tesla Superchargers around the UK, making it the 12th largest network.

It is the second largest chargepoint operator of rapid or ultra-rapid charging, falling just 73 devices behind InstaVolt, which has 1,552.

While EV owners who do not have a Tesla will have to pay more to charge, the American manufacturer recently dropped all of its prices to support the development of the network.

Non-Tesla owners will be able to access the network for £8.99, while Tesla has an added annual subscription costing £90.

Elon Musk first introduced the pilot scheme in 2021, rolling out in the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Sweden and the UK.

The brand claimed that more than 70 per cent of Tesla chargers across Europe would be open to any brand of electric vehicle by autumn 2023.

In total, there are more than 50,000 Superchargers around the world, allowing drivers to recharge up to 172 miles in just 15 minutes.

Owners of Tesla vehicles can input any destinations using the central console and the maps application will show them where along their journey they can stop to recharge.

However, drivers are warned that they could be fined for charging at Superchargers if they stay longer than they need to.

For every extra minute a vehicle remains at the Supercharger, drivers will be hit with an idle fee, although it will be waived if they leave within five minutes.

Overstay fees will only begin charging if the Supercharger station is at 50 per cent capacity or more, although they will double when the station is at 100 per cent capacity.

In the UK, drivers will be hit with a 50p charge per minute, with it rising to £1 a minute when the station is full.


A row of Tesla Superchargers

There are almost 1,500 Superchargers around the UK



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