
Dirty air isn't airy- fairy, it's body blows

A Christian Medical College, Vellore, study finds that compared to Europeans and Chinese, a significantly higher proportion of Indians who contracted Covid-19 suffer from lung function impairments. Air pollution, lack of physical activity and generally high levels of stress are contributory factors.

A decade ago, studies found the Indian lung capacity to be about 30% lower than that of those living in Europe. Despite the clear evidence of the harm done to lungs and health from breathing toxic air year after year, pollution-reduction regulation, policy and action fail to put public health front and centre. This has to change.

Protection of public health and improved health outcomes must be the top goal in any action plan to tackle air pollution. This change in approach must first be recognised in law and regulatory structures. India’s clean air law – Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 – makes preservation of air quality and abatement of pollution an end in itself.

It does not stress protecting health of citizens. An amendment making public health protection priority for pollution abatement will have a clear impact on regulatory, policy and implementation space. Once people correlate environment conditions directly with their own health, they are liable to take matters seriously.

At present, pollution control measures are treated as costs impacting economic output and growth. But with ‘protecting myself/loved ones’ as the main aim of ensuring clean air, costs incurred to reduce pollution would be justified by improvements in health.

Healthy people make for productive people, who, in turn, contribute to economic growth and development. Turn this equation inwards now – better development and awareness leads to longer, healthier lives.


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